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Jackie Rabec – New York, NY

Jackie Rabec is passionate about learning more about how Digital Health Solutions can transform healthcare in developing countries. She is originally from South Africa, where she has experience working as a Medical Doctor in high-patient volume, under-resourced public hospitals, and is currently completing an MBA at AGSM, UNSW in Sydney, Australia.

Jackie, welcome onboard the team as our Digital Health Today Ambassador!

    1. Tell us a bit more about yourself, your background and what you’re doing now.

      Well, first and foremost, thank you for allowing me to be part of the Digital Health Today Ambassadors team.
      On a more personal note, my husband and I made the move to Australia with our JackRussel, Jessie, and we love travelling, good food (who doesn’t?!) and the great outdoors! I also founded a sustainable fashion start-up in South Africa and love channeling my inner creative through art

    2. How did you get involved with digital health?

      Seeing so many patients, and healthcare professionals, suffer as a result of these challenging conditions, motivated me to move into a space where healthcare infrastructure and delivery can be improved to meet the needs of those that need it most. This lead me to pursue an MBA at AGSM, Sydney, with a focus on healthcare, which I am currently completing in a full time capacity, whilst exploring Digital Health solutions that are changing healthcare delivery and design in developing countries. I’ll be finishing my MBA at NYU, Stern, in New York as of Jan 2020.

    3. Tell us about where you come from and some of the health and technology innovation that’s happening there.

      I am originally from South Africa, where I completed my medical degree and worked in public hospitals. The healthcare system there, as in many other countries in Africa and other developing nations, is strained under an ever increasing patient burden, whilst being under-resourced and under-developed.

    4. What are some of your top interests and what should people contact you about?

      Healthcare in developing countries and vulnerable populations. Travelling, foodie things, pet friendly adventures, yoga and all things arty!

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