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Jason Prignoli – New York

Jason works in digital health strategy at Evolution Road and is an MPH Candidate at Dartmouth.

Jason, welcome onboard the team as our first Digital Health Today Ambassador!

    1. Tell us a bit more about yourself, your background and what you’re doing now.

      Thanks! I am excited to be apart of the team and represent Digital Health Today! My interests in healthcare started at a young age as I have family in the industry that exposed me to the behemoth that is healthcare. I received a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Penn State and long hoped to be able leverage my background to help people.  My deep dive into the space started as I was appointed by Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman to Connecticut’s Healthcare Consumer Advisory Board and also was appointed to serve on the state’s Genomic Medicine Design Group. Now I currently am an Entrepreneur in Residence at HealthVenture, an early stage digital health VC firm. I have co-founded a company called Cura Health that had recently won the 2018 MIT Hacking Medicine NYC Competition Overall Award and the Weill Cornell Medicine Award for the top innovation addressing a large population.hank you so much! I am grateful to be a part of this team and to be given the opportunity to represent the DigitalHealthToday brand. My background is in international business and finance from the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. This is where I was able to build a foundation for a career in business that would take me internationally. As a student I was able to gain experience in corporate and investment finance and after graduation I started working in healthcare management consulting. This is when I fell in love with healthcare. To further my knowledge and understanding, I decided to get my Masters in International Health Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Currently, I’m focusing on my degree and on volunteering in the local community in London. Most recently, I was able to moderate a conversation around challenging the mental health stigma in the workplace on behalf of LSE Health Society and in partnership with ImpactHubKX in London.

    2. How did you get involved with digital health?

      first became involved in digital health at the state level in Connecticut. The state is in the process of reforming the primary care payment bundle, incorporating the coverage of a variety of services including, but not limited to, telehealth, genomic screening, remote monitoring, etc. I was increasingly curious what role digital health would play at the community level, so I decided to get my hands dirty myself and learn about the space, and became fascinated about the opportunities to leverage these digital tools.

    3. Tell us about where you come from and some of the health and technology innovation that’s happening there.

      I was born and raised in Central New Jersey, though I started my career in Connecticut, where I had the opportunity to see some really exciting innovations happening. Many promising health technologies are being developed in close proximity to Yale University and the New Haven ecosystem. One of more interesting technologies to come out of Connecticut lately is Butterfly Network’s portable ultrasound imaging system that is connected to a smartphone

    4. What are some of the top things other health innovators should know about where you live now?

      I am currently in New York City, where there are a plethora of opportunities to engage with providers, payers, consumers, and fellow entrepreneurs, not to mention New York has the best pizza! There are quite a few accelerators, investors and incubators with offices in NYC. There is a strong digital health ecosystem here with many groups and events happening on any given day.

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