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2021 AHIMA Middle East Conference

24marAll Day252021 AHIMA Middle East ConferenceCreating Impact and Success with Quality Data

Event Details

Since 2016, AHIMA has helped chart the future of healthcare in the Middle East. The AHIMA Middle East conference (formerly AHIMA World Conference) draws hospital leaders, government policymakers, health information decision-makers, and healthcare innovators looking for new ideas, solutions, and thought leadership.

With National Transformation Plans and policy programs such as UAE Vision 2021 and Saudi Vision 2030, long-term expansion is expected in public and private healthcare sectors and it is predicted that GCC healthcare and related workforce expenditure will reach US $104.6 billion by 2022. There are an anticipated 30k+ new Health Information roles necessary to realise the promise of these endeavors.

Attending this conference will further prepare you to successfully face the key challenges presented by this growth and change in the healthcare sector.

Connect with healthcare leaders and decision-makers as a sponsor, exhibitor, or presenter and show how your product or service can help them.

*Registration is complimentary until March 16, 2021



March 24, 2021 - March 25, 2021 (All Day) PST(GMT-07:00)