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Connected Health Conference

17octAll Day19Connected Health ConferenceBalancing the Technology and the Human element

Event Details

The Connected Health Conference 2018 (CHC18) is one of the major US-based events around Digital health, attracting every year over 2,500 delegates from across the world: companies, health professionals and scientists, policy-makers, healthcare providers, insurers, investors, etc. In 2018, the sessions will focus on the balance between the Technology and the Human element. In an era when digital technologies enable individuals to track health statistics such as daily activity and vital signs, and new applications of artificial intelligence, social robots and vocal biomarkers are creating new opportunities for health, we are now facing the next great challenge: integrating these technologies in healthcare delivery, wellness and daily living. ECHAlliance will organise a 1-day pre-event conference on the 17th of October (same venue), on the development of The Digital Health Society (DHS) movement and its moonshot mission in Europe for 100 million Digitally Connected EU Citizens by 2027. It will be the opportunity to discuss the actions enabling this ambitious objective, but also similar and parallel initiatives in USA, Canada, China and other parts of the world.



October 17, 2018 - October 19, 2018 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)


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