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Healthcare Transformation Summit

07junAll Day08Healthcare Transformation SummitPartnering for Success

Event Details

In this two-day event, Modern Healthcare, in conjunction with the Austin Healthcare Council, brings together senior executives from hospitals and health systems, suppliers, payers and venture capitalists to discuss industry changes and how leaders can drive and implement transformation in their organizations. Venture capitalists are invited to learn about the healthcare industry, meet entrepreneurs, vendors, suppliers and those looking for funding to launch innovative healthcare products and services. Vendors and suppliers are welcome to pitch their ideas, meet industry experts, and network with leaders of healthcare provider institutions to collaborate and pave the way for unprecedented changes in the industry.
Hospital executives attend to learn more about the changes coming to the industry, collaborate and network with peers, and engage with entrepreneurs and venture capitalists looking to make an impact in healthcare.



June 7, 2018 - June 8, 2018 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)


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