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The DTx Opportunity for Pharmaceutical Companies

12feb7:00 am7:00 amThe DTx Opportunity for Pharmaceutical CompaniesJoin the HealthXL Digital Health Meeting

Event Details

Pharma companies are accelerating their incorporation of digital tools across all aspects of their business with Digital Therapeutics an element of this digital transformation. However, what DTx means in practice for Pharma companies is still primarily pilots as companies grapple to see how to monetize DTx in a traditional pharma business. Should Pharma build their own solutions? Should these be companions and add value to traditional therapies or stand alone digital therapies as the name DTx suggests? How can companies manage the sale, distribution and maintenance of digital therapies? Who will pay for these and what is the ROI for Pharma companies? Is there a risk to Pharma companies that digital therapies will supplant the use of traditional therapies and disrupt traditional revenue streams?

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This is not a webinar: You actively participate in this discussion. Spaces are limited to 10 people, allowing you to focus on quality in-depth conversations. Don’t miss your opportunity to connect with senior leaders to shape the future of digital health. Because only if you are prepared now can you lead the future.



February 12, 2021 7:00 am - 7:00 am PST(GMT-07:00)